We started off with a sneak peak event on Friday the 13th, followed by the full blown winter hoedown on Bottom Day!
We featured dance perfomances by Friends in Dance and Sabor Cubana (links to videos below)
Charleston – Friends in Dance
Gypsy Folk Dance – Friends in Dance
Mambo Number Five – Sabor Cubana
We picked January 14 because of its significance as a local holiday – Bottom Day!
According to this old chart, the coldest time of the year is mid-January in Fairbanks, on average. The lowest normal low has a downward blip on the 14, making that the day of the year with the lowest temperature. To the best of my knowledge, this blip was first observed by The Professor (Dr. David Stone, revered local geologist and philosopher), and has been celebrated locally ever since. Every day after Bottom Day has a better than average chance of being warmer, and that makes it very much worth raising a glass or two.